Ask An Expert On Percona’s Community Forum!

Have you recently visited Percona’s Community Forum? It’s your hub for direct Q&A with top database experts, including Percona CEO Peter Zaitsev and CTO Vadim Tkachenko. Last quarter over 450 users participated, including 45 engineers from Percona’s staff. Since it was first launched in 2006 and revamped earlier this year, our Forum has built up a mountain of easily-searched database expertise.
This free online community is open to everyone from newbies to maestros. Register as a user and then ask your question or visit the unanswered question list and help someone else. You’ll feel great doing so, plus you’ll earn points and advance in rank, building your online reputation like done by vaibhav_upadhyay40, Fan, Federico Razzoli, Ghan, djp, Björn, rdab100, Stateros, gordan, Venkat, and others.
Our Forum Q&A covers all flavors of MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL, as well as key utilities like ProxySQL and PMM. Plus it’s the only site announcing all of Percona’s new software releases and Percona’s occasional urgent software alerts. You can even personalize email notifications to track only certain categories and skip the rest. And we promise to never spam you!
A few of our most popular posts illustrate how it all works:
- MySQL Server
- Percona XtraDB Cluster
- Percona XtraBackup
- MongoDB Server
- Percona Backup for MongoDB
- PostgreSQL Server
- Percona Monitoring & Management (PMM)
- MariaDB Server
So what’s the fine print? Most importantly, remember that it’s volunteers who answer, so answers may not be timely, might not be in in-depth, or occasionally might never arrive at all. Response time now averages five days. Remember to never share confidential details, as everything on the Forum is public.
The Forum operates on a spirit of self-help, so do a reasonable amount of your own research before popping off a question. And if you get help, try to give back help too. Everything depends on a spirit of reciprocity and goodwill. The Forum is for those who love databases and want to share their enthusiasm with others, and for those who want to master the database craft.
Finally, as our lawyers make us say, answers are “as-is” meaning Percona does not guarantee accuracy and disclaims all liability. Our Help Articles, Code of Conduct, and Terms of Service explain it all.
So register as a user and give the Percona Forum a try! As always we welcome your suggestions and feedback to
by Daniil Bazhenov via Percona Database Performance Blog
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