Webinar July 15: MySQL 8 Observability

MySQL 8 Observability

MySQL 8 ObservabilityJoin Peter Zaitsev, Percona CEO, as he discusses MySQL 8 Observability.

Broken MySQL means broken application, so maintaining insights in MySQL operational performance is critical. Thankfully, MySQL 8 offers a lot in terms of observability to resolve problems quickly and get great insights into opportunities for optimization. In this talk, we will cover the most important observability improvements in MySQL 8 ranging from Performance Schema and Information Schema to enhanced error logging and optimizer trace. If you are a Developer or DBA passionate about Observability, or just want to be empowered to resolve MySQL problems quickly and efficiently, you should attend.

Please join Peter Zaitsev on Wednesday, July 15 at 1 pm EDT for his webinar “MySQL 8 Observability“.

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If you can’t attend, sign up anyway and we’ll send you the slides and recording afterward.

by David Quilty via Percona Database Performance Blog
