Evaluating Checkpointing in PostgreSQL

Checkpointing in PostgreSQL

Checkpointing in PostgreSQLContinuing with the checkpointing topic I started a month ago with my blog post MongoDB Checkpointing Woes, this time I want to review how PostgreSQL performs in this area. After this, I will be taking a look at MySQL and MariaDB. If anything, it will be fair not only to complain about MongoDB but to review how other databases handle it, as well.


To evaluate PostgreSQL I will use a not identical but similar scenario: using sysbench-tpcc with 1000 Warehouses, and as with sysbench you can produce tpcc-like workload for PostgreSQL:

Sysbench-tpcc Supports PostgreSQL (No, Really This Time)

Tuning PostgreSQL for sysbench-tpcc

The hardware I use is:

System | Supermicro; SYS-F619P2-RTN; v0123456789 (Other)
   Platform | Linux
    Release | Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (bionic)
     Kernel | 5.3.0-42-generic
Architecture | CPU = 64-bit, OS = 64-bit
  Threading | NPTL 2.27
    SELinux | No SELinux detected
Virtualized | No virtualization detected
# Processor ##################################################
 Processors | physical = 2, cores = 40, virtual = 80, hyperthreading = yes
     Models | 80xIntel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230 CPU @ 2.10GHz
     Caches | 80x28160 KB
# Memory #####################################################
      Total | 187.6G

With the storage on SATA SSD INTEL SSDSC2KB960G8 (Intel Enterprise-grade SSD D3-S4510).

The PostgreSQL config is:

shared_buffers = '140GB'
work_mem = '4MB'
random_page_cost = '1'
maintenance_work_mem = '2GB'

wal_level = 'replica'
max_wal_senders = '3'

synchronous_commit = 'on'
seq_page_cost = '1'
synchronous_commit = 'on'

checkpoint_completion_target = '0.9'
checkpoint_timeout = '900'

max_wal_size = '20GB'
min_wal_size = '12GB'

autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor = '0.4'
effective_cache_size = '200GB'
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = '1000'
bgwriter_lru_multiplier = '10.0'
logging_collector = 'ON'
wal_compression = 'ON'
log_checkpoints = 'ON'
archive_mode = 'OFF'
full_page_writes = 'ON'
fsync = 'ON'

The short settings overview:

  • Data will totally fit into memory (The datasize is ~100GB, memory on the server is 188GB, and we allocate 140GB for PostgreSQL shared buffers.)
  • The workload on storage will be mostly write-intensive (reads will be done from memory), with full ACID-compliant and data safe settings on PostgreSQL.
  • I will vary log size from 1GB to 100GB, to see the effect of log sizes on checkpointing.

The benchmark command line is:

./tpcc.lua --pgsql-user=sbtest --pgsql-password=sbtest --pgsql-db=sbtest --time=3600 --threads=56 --report-interval=1 --tables=10 --scale=100 --use_fk=0 --trx_level=RC --db-driver=pgsql --report_csv=yes run

This means that the benchmark will run for 1 hour, with reporting throughput every 1 sec.


Let’s see what results I’ve got with this setup:

Evaluating Checkpointing in PostgreSQL

That’s an interesting pattern!

Although there are no drops to the floor, we see a saw-like pattern, where throughput raises to ~8000 tps and then drops to ~3000tps (that’s 2.6 times drop!).

It was suggested to check how PostgreSQL would perform with

full_page_writes = 'OFF'
 (this is not a data-safe setting and I would not recommend to use it in production!)

Results with full_page_writes = ‘OFF’

PostgreSQL Checkpoint

This seems to improve the saw-like pattern, but there are micro-drops that are concerning.

If we zoom in only to 50GB WAL size, we can see it in detail:

50GB WAL size

I would be interested to hear ideas on how PostgreSQL results in 1-sec resolution can be improved! If you are interested in the raw results and notebooks, it is available here in GitHub.

by Vadim Tkachenko via Percona Database Performance Blog
