Webinar June 23: Converting MongoDB to Percona Server for MongoDB

converting MongoDB to Percona Server for MongoDB

We invite you to join members of the Percona Solution Engineering Team as they walk through the task of migrating a MongoDB database to Percona Server for MongoDB (PSMDB).

By the end of this hands-on workshop you should feel comfortable with:

* Uninstalling MongoDB
* Installing Percona Server for MongoDB
* Converting a stand-alone MongoDB server to Percona Server for MongoDB
* Adding a Percona Server for MongoDB to an existing MongoDB replica set
* Converting a MongoDB replica set to a Percona Server for MongoDB replica set

Please join the Percona Solution Engineering Team on Tuesday, June 23 at 11 am EDT for their webinar “Converting MongoDB to Percona Server for MongoDB”.

Register Now

If you can’t attend, sign up anyway and we’ll send you the slides and recording afterward.

by David Quilty via Percona Database Performance Blog
