Grafana Plugin Installation in Percona Monitoring and Management 2.x
Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is an open-source platform for monitoring databases and servers, that can be installed in your infrastructure and start collecting metrics from pmm-clients. Data is visualized in Grafana, which is the leading graph and dashboard builder tool. You can even improve it by adding additional third-party panels and plugins. More than a hundred of them are already presented on the official site.
We have already published a post about adding Grafana plugins to Percona Monitoring and Management 1.x versions. In this post, I want to provide information about Grafana Plugin installation in PMM 2.x versions.
Here is a list of some useful preinstalled Grafana plugins in PMM 2.x, with links to project sites:
Installing Grafana Plugins
First, browse to the list of available plugins and find a required one.
Let’s pick a clock panel. The next step is just clicking on the icon which sends you to the installation tab. Here you may copy an installation CLI command or jump to a project site in the cases of using a complicated method of installation. We will get back to this method further.
In general, new panels can be added by using grafana-cli command.
$ grafana-cli plugins install <plugin-name>
Here is a full command of an example of adding grafana clock panel into a docker container.
$ docker exec -it pmm-server grafana-cli plugins install grafana-clock-panel installing grafana-clock-panel @ 1.0.3 from: into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins ✔ Installed grafana-clock-panel successfully Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>
In addition to the above, plugins can be installed by downloading and uncompressing a .zip file of the plugin into the Grafana plugins folder (/var/lib/grafana/plugins/). We are using this method in PMM 2.x in order to provide only plugins that are tested and compatible with a used Grafana version. Also, this method can be used if your server has no access to the internet.
A plugin file can be taken from a project site.
Here are the commands of adding the same panel.
$ docker cp pmm-server:/tmp $ docker exec -t pmm-server bash -c "unzip /tmp/ -d /var/lib/grafana/plugins/" Archive: /tmp/ bb466d0682d58af659b018748d53c0d3b69a8377 creating: /var/lib/grafana/plugins/grafana-clock-panel-bb466d0/ ... $ docker exec -t pmm-server bash -c "grafana-cli plugins ls | grep clock" grafana-clock-panel @ 1.0.3 $ docker exec -t pmm-server supervisorctl restart grafana grafana: stopped grafana: started $
It’s worth mentioning that this method leads to an issue with the plugin updating process by grafana-cli command. So the updating procedure has to be followed by removing an existing plugin folder and copying a file with a new version.
Updating Grafana Plugins
Plugins are not updated automatically, however, you will be notified when updates are available, right within your Grafana. So you have to update plugins via a grafana-cli command.
In the next example, we are updating the clickhouse datasource plugin.
$ docker exec -t pmm-server-test bash -c "grafana-cli plugins update vertamedia-clickhouse-datasource"" Removing plugin: vertamedia-clickhouse-datasource installing vertamedia-clickhouse-datasource @ 1.9.5 from: into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins ✔ Installed vertamedia-clickhouse-datasource successfully Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart> $ docker exec -t pmm-server supervisorctl restart grafana grafana: stopped grafana: started $
We are keeping an eye on pre-installed plugins, and the latest versions of each are shipped with each PMM version.
by Vadim Yalovets via Percona Database Performance Blog
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